Pastor Alicia Lyons Cooper is a native of Lanett, AL. She is the mother of 3 beautiful children and "GiGi" to 3 precious grandchildren. Pastor Alicia is humbled to pastor the amazing church of Prophetic Fire Worship Center Intl located in Valley, AL. She loves God with all that she is. She loves His people, whether saved or not yet. She shares a passion to draw them closer to Him. She believes in connecting all people and all generations to HIM- who she affectionately calls “Daddy”.
She is humbled to be a servant leader not only in her church, but also with her online community as well. She ministers live on Thursday mornings at 7:30 am for Prophetic Fire Jump Start via social media platforms to the masses.
She is a dynamic preacher, speaker, and well sought after intercessor. Her call to the local community and nations propelled her to start her nonprofit organizations called Prophetic Fire, Prophetic Fire School of Prayer, Daughters by Design, Jeans , Bling & Stilettos, and Kingdom Business 5.0. These ministries are designed to help others find their relationship, purpose, and destiny so they can live their best life.
Her passion is to reignite the body of Christ through her BEST FRIEND, HOLY SPIRIT, using fiery, prophetic intercession.
Luke 3:16b
He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire!